Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Impossible - Excerpt

An excerpt from the story I am currently in the process of writing:

As the dew settled across the grass painted through the outside of my window, I was temped to throw open my front door and run, hoping that I could drown myself in it and find some sort of cool temporary relief. This night, unlike others, appeared to stain the sky with a darker black. The stars looked nonexistent and the moon shone through the vacant clouds. What was left of the dark night was in my mind, crawling up behind the dark spaces invading the corners that I tried so hard to lock away. It dared me to reflect on everything I didn’t want to remember, on every little memory I had tried so hard to forget. But the traces and small figments of who I was were apparent in those quiet moments, where no one could distract me from the vacant soul I never wished to become. I didn’t sleep, and when the sun began to rise and break apart the dark sky I exhaled. Now I could begin to forget again and start my day tying all those strings away. And though, the best of me screamed at my unrealistic mindset, I refused to listen. But I knew myself, the fear of the unstoppable force that existed behind my intentional walls caused me to run farther. I knew.

What we run from, what we try desperately to tuck away… follows right behind us begging to be revealed.

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